Slip Crushing Solutions

Workstrings International® can help you determine maximum slip capacity and slip crushing calculations for your tubulars.

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A white pipe being inserted into a FASTR® system

A Workstrings worker making notes on his tablet while a forklift carries downhole tubulars

Avoid Pipe and Slip Damage Associated With High Tensile Loads

Workstrings was the first company to test drill pipe slips on actual drill pipe with a series of internal strain gauges. For more than two decades, our calculations have helped operators protect tubulars from high tensile loads.

Thousands of Designs With Zero Failures

Our Slip Crushing Analysis factors in actual slip design, length of die contact to pipe, drill pipe dimensions, and yield strength—with calculations verified by a series of load tests, and thousands of designs with no failure.

  • Slip capacity: static load rating designating when slips may become damaged
  • Slip crushing capacity: calculated static load designating when slips may damage pipe

A Workstrings worker looking over heavy landing string casings

Landing String Design

Maintaining the largest global fleet of landing strings, we will evaluate slip crushing for all casing and liner runs on the well.

A Workstrings worker using a clamp to measure the width of a drill string

Drill String Design

We will evaluate the slip-crushing capacity for each hole section and calculate slip crushing at each segment of the drill string.

A Workstrings worker examining the interior of a pipe with a mirror and green light

Completion String Design

Workstrings will also evaluate the slip-crushing capacities for the various string configurations encountered in completion operations. 

Real Results, Real Feedback

“On behalf of our team, we truly appreciate the invaluable assistance provided by you and your team during this analysis. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with your team on this project.”

Slip Crushing Theory and Calculations

To determine slip crushing capacity, critical for avoiding pipe and slip damage, the Spiri-Reinhold Equation takes into account the following factors:

  • Length of contact
  • Radial contact
  • Angle of contact
  • Friction coefficient between bowl and slips
  • Pipe grade and dimensions
Two Workstrings workers looking over inventory on a tablet with a large forklift holding drill pipes in the background
An aerial view of pipes stacked outside of a Workstrings International warehouse

Our Slip Crushing Calculations Equate to Operational Confidence

Over 25 years and a presence in 90 countries add up to a reliable track record. For a comprehensive analysis of your deepwater tubulars, let’s talk.

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